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About Keelan

Born in West Bromwich during 1997, it was during my formative years at primary school that I discovered my love of writing before moving on to study A levels in history, politics and English literature at sixth form. I currently study a history and politics degree at the University of Worcester and intend to complete a PGCE too and begin a teaching career afterwards (unless I make a fortune off of my books!)

I am told I have always had a passion for writing and an imaginative mind from an early age which enabled me to formulate story ideas and write them down: from writing about monsters invading the Earth and haunted houses in primary school to where I am now, writing full-length horror novels like ‘BITE’. I have always had a desire to entertain, thrill and frighten people with my stories, but was always deterred from becoming an author by the idea of having to find a publisher and have my work edited and therefore taken away from what I originally intended it to be. So you can imagine my delight when I found Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing which has allowed me to publish my novels for free and for me to be in control of my own work and share it with everyone.

My ideas aren’t all horror, although that is the dominant theme of most of my books, I also have ideas involving crime, thrillers, sci-fi, fantasy and even historical/political fiction. All of my novel and short story ideas are saved in folders in my memory stick, which should keep me busy writing for a very long time, especially seeing as the lists just keep growing and growing…

– Keelan, 2016