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You will find all of my books available to buy from Amazon – there are also links on this page to take you straight to them on Amazon (you can read the e-books using a Kindle device or download the free Kindle app on your phone or tablet).


The ‘BITE’ Trilogy:



bite cover (1)“The bright light of the full moon shone high above the trees.
The night sky was clear, and the twinkling silver stars looked down through the tall trees of the woods. There was a calm wind which whispered through the leaves and the branches.
The night sky was pitch black, and the moon stood out in the sky.
The full moon. Shining high in the sky. It was beautiful.
And yet it is strange, how something so beautiful, can create something so monstrous…”

Kevin Baxter is just an ordinary 15-year-old boy.
He has friends and family, a pet dog he has always wanted, a girl he adores from afar.
But after a chance encounter in the creepy Wald Forest, Kevin develops a secret. A secret that will endanger him and everyone that he loves.

Buy the e-book or the paperback here.



“The bright light of the full moon shone high above the trees.
The night sky was ravaged by dark storm clouds; the grey, almost black, fog-like shapes rushed across the sky, acting viciously and aggressively against the trees below. The wind only accelerated the clouds’ weapon, which crashed down thunderously on the leaves and the branches, before dropping down to the ground and soaking into the earth.
A thin mist crawled through the trees and hovered above them, the greyness of the gloomy night making the world appear as one giant storm cloud.
From that storm cloud, through the trees, a figure emerged…”

Kieran Bates is a normal 16-year old boy.
After starting college, he develops his ambitions, gains new friends, and secretly longs for a relationship.
But after gaining his wish, Kieran develops a secret. A secret that will grant him new powers and abilities beyond his wildest dreams.

Buy the e-book or the paperback here.


(Coming August 2024)


The ‘BITE’ Tales:

(This trilogy of novellas act as bridges and expansions of the main ‘BITE’ trilogy of novels – they also serve as the ‘Journey To Bitten’, so are best read after reading the first two novels – ‘BITE’ and ‘BITES’ – but before reading ‘BITTEN’).

Buy the full collection here, or the individual e-book exclusives below.

‘Black Wolf’

A spin-off to the ‘BITE’ trilogy and prequel to ‘BITE’!

“By means of it, he goes on all fours”.

Nashoba Toya is an average Native American.
He has his tribe, his family, a place he can call home.
But soon the colonists arrive, sparking off a series of wars which result in pain and suffering for his tribe until it eventually causes them to be wiped out. But Toya has a secret, an ability that he was granted to protect his tribe, which he will now use to exact revenge upon those who descend from the people who caused him so much pain and suffering…

Buy the e-book exclusive here.



A spin-off to the ‘BITE’ trilogy set in between the first and second novels!

“Screams continued to fill the dark night, most were distant, coming from students who were flocking to the exits of the zoo and screaming for help. But some screams… they were close. Too close. Why were they still here? Why hadn’t they-
Deep breaths filled the sudden silence. Low, guttural, almost growling, breaths. Toner’s legs froze and his knees buckled. He fell, placing a hand on the wall to steady his fall, and with his other hand clutched his knees close to him.
No. He couldn’t face the beast again. His hands rose to his face. An arm wrapped itself around his shoulders.
There was a ripping sound as the breaths grew more rapid, and then a sound like metal scraping along the floor, before the breaths disappeared again.”

Aiden, Tim and Felix have become werewolf hunters.
They have a base of operations, all the equipment and information they need, and a mission to accomplish.
But they cannot find Kevin Baxter, the monstrous teenage werewolf who put them all through such horror, so instead they must track and destroy others of his kind while they attempt to locate him…

Buy the e-book exclusive here.



A spin off to the ‘BITE’ trilogy set after the events of ‘BITES’!

“A hand appeared into the light, curling itself around the side of the opening. Kieran stared at it, his eyes bulging. It was barely a hand, more of a claw. A skeletal claw. It was black and shrivelled but sharp all the same.
Like a spider crawling off its web, the rest of the figure began to emerge.”

Kieran and Mitchell are average within the vampire society they find themselves thrust into.
There are groups of murderous bloodsucking creatures who kill indiscriminately everywhere, and they know that they can do something about it, they know that the disorganisation of the vampires can be fixed from something they were told.
They set out on a mission to find an ancient vampire settlement, which they believe holds the answers to bringing back organisation and peace to the vampires…

Buy the e-book exclusive here.


Southumberland Series:

(Although the fictional county of Southumberland features in a lot of my other books and stories, like ‘BITE’, the following works are the main components of the ‘Southumberland Series’, which can all be read independently from one another).



slasherIn the summer of 2013 an evil came to the small town of Trexham, Southumberland in the form of a flesh-hungry, blood-thirsty beast that operated under the full moon.
But that wasn’t the first time evil had come to Southumberland, and it certainly wasn’t the last…

In 2014 the evil came back to haunt Alan Shaw, ‘The Figure in the Dark’ followed him one sinister night.

In the 1950s the evil arrived, creating the local legend of the ‘Bunny-Man Bridge’, situated in Trexham, passing through Wald Forest; a terrifying legend that won’t seem to leave the small town alone.

Somewhere in Southumberland, a family became horrified when discovering what was really happening to their ‘Teething’ baby.

A few miles away, the lively city of Tornwich was panic-stricken in the mid-nineties after a well-known serial killer and ‘Cannibal’ escaped captivity.

At the start of the new millennium, the horrifying truth about the old lady called ‘Freda’, who lived in the outskirts of Tornwich, came to light.

Southumberland has a dark past, and an even darker future, read about it all in ‘Slasher’.

Buy the e-book exclusive here.


‘Ghost Train’

Detective Sergeant Jackson knows he is on the right tracks in his investigation. He has found what could be a crucial link to the axe murders that took place weeks ago: a travelling fairground attraction. But his superiors will not let him pursue it. On Halloween night, only the second night of the fairground tour, he decides to visit the attraction himself, determined to prove that his theory is right…

College student Chloe and her friends want to celebrate Halloween night together, preferably away from their families. Luckily for them, a touring, Halloween-themed fairground attraction is setting up near them for Halloween night, and they plan to go, determined for a fun night out…

But in the shadows, something is watching them. Something with a white face and red lips and colourful clothes. It is stalking, watching, determined to get them inside the Ghost Train…

Buy the e-book or the paperback here.


Other Works: