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‘BITE’ Available For Pre-Order!

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After months of planning, writing and editing, ‘BITE’ is finally finished!
I have enjoyed the experience of writing my first full novel and I really believe that this is the best idea for a book I have ever had. I have plenty of other ideas, and I’m sure I’ll be writing again before long, but ‘BITE’ is the idea I have had for longest – it has taken years for the full story to come together in my mind and for me to actually be able to finish the entire thing.
I have self-published the book using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, meaning that anyone can buy the book for £3.99 from Amazon’s Kindle Store. It will be released on the Friday the 12th of August, 2016. If you don’t have a Kindle, don’t worry, you can download the app for free on your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or whatever device you use and then buy the book from Amazon’s website which will then transfer the book to your Kindle app as soon as it is released.
I hope you buy the book and enjoy it. I’ve loved writing it and it was always my intention to entertain people (as well as frighten a few, of course!).
I have thanked people in the book, but I would like to thank them here too, I couldn’t have done any of this without them:
Firstly, my favourite authors; Stephen King, Richard Laymon, Darren Shan and James Herbert. I have read their books for many years and enjoyed them greatly. Stephen King has been the greatest influence on this novel, as I mentioned in my previous posts. However, I do pay tribute to Laymon and Herbert in this novel, I’m sure many of you may spot it!
My Dad, Michael Berry; the only person, other than myself, to have read the book in its entirety before I published it. He proof-read my work and helped me to edit it.
My Mom, Kelly Rotton, who requested this special mention; she gave birth to me and brought me up, I wouldn’t be here and the book wouldn’t be here without her!
Jenny Tune; who did me the honour of making an epic front cover for my book, it looks awesome and I’m sure it will catch many people’s eye!
Matt Jewhurst, my boyfriend; without him, I wouldn’t have been able to have written the romance that occurs in the novel very well, and I wouldn’t have been able to write the poems that you will read before the start of each part of the novel, because he’s the one who actually came up with them.
Last but not least, I want to thank everybody who I went to school with. Like I said in my previous post, a lot of the novel is based around my school life, and as nasty as it got at times, it allowed me to write this book and become a self-publishing author. So thank you to everyone – that includes those who weren’t so fond of me, and who I wasn’t very fond of either.
When you read my book, no matter how you felt about it, do leave a review if you can. I like criticism as well as praise, and it’s only fair that other readers will be able to judge the book before buying it with your input.
Thank you for following my work, and I hope you love the book!

Published in'BITE' TrilogyBooksSouthumberland Series

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