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‘BITES’ Available For Pre-Order!


After a few delays (2 years’ worth!), it’s finally here!

In August, 2016, I finished writing my debut novel ‘BITE’ and released it quickly into the world. This time round, there was a lot more tweaking – something I’m finding is necessary the more and more I write – however, I think it’s worked out for the best, because now BITES is set for release this August; 4 years on.

The e-book is now available for pre-order, and will release on Saturday 1st August, with the paperback to release shortly afterwards, which is unfortunately unavailable for pre-order.

Everyone I need to thank I have done so in the book, which I hope you’ll be buying and reading and enjoying!

Like BITE, which was based on a lot of my secondary school experiences, BITES progresses to a college/sixth form setting, and is again influenced (loosely, of course) by my own life.

BITE was a werewolf novel, and BITES – whilst it deviates somewhat from the storyline established in its predecessor – is a continuation, albeit with different supernatural beings.

No spoilers here, though, go and give it a go (and make sure you’ve read BITE first!).

Published in'BITE' TrilogyBooks

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