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‘BITE’ Inspiration & Prologue

From what I can remember, I managed to trace the origins of ‘BITE’ back to my first two years of high school. In one science lesson (I think it was in year 8), me and a friend were discussing ideas for a book (I’d always wanted to be an author, I’m told, ever since primary school). We came up with the simple idea of a boy walking through the woods one day who just happened to come across a spooky old house and a wolf living there.

Five years on and the idea has progress a lot since then.
The setting of the house has been omitted, but the rest remains.
My interest in wolves and the specific horror theme of werewolves was enhanced after reading ‘Cycle of the Werewolf’ by my favourite author, Stephen King. It has been an inspiration to my work so far, so if you want some idea of what you’re in for with ‘BITE’, give it a try. Not only that, but Stephen King’s first novel, ‘Carrie’, has also massively influenced the school-centred sub-plot of ‘BITE’. So again, if you want an idea of what some story lines might be, check it out.
I don’t want to give too much away about what actually takes place in the novel, I just intend to give my potential audience some idea of what made me want to write this book, and make them start to think about what they’re in for should they become interested.
The idea formed in year 8, but it was year 9 (and some events in my following school years) that have absolutely dominated some of the main themes and stories in ‘BITE’. I don’t want to give away too much, but if and when you decide to buy my book when it is finished and published (on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing) keep in mind that many of the school events that take place throughout the book happened in my life.
I have written drafts of ‘BITE’ before, but never finished them. Now that my school days are gone, I have the full story prepared and feel confident of finishing it in just over a month’s time (hopefully!). ‘BITE’ also helped me in my English language A level – I used what I intend to be the end of the book as a short story for my coursework, and got a grade A for it.
I would show it to you, but it would ruin the entire book – like I said, the short story is what I hope will be the end of the full novel.
Don’t worry, though, you won’t finish reading this disappointed.
Here is the prologue of ‘BITE’, enjoy!

The bright light of the full moon shone high above the trees.

The night sky was clear, and the twinkling silver stars looked down through the tall trees of the woods. There was a calm wind which whispered through the leaves and the branches.

The night sky was pitch black, and the moon stood out in the sky.

The full moon. Shining high in the sky. It was beautiful.

And yet it is strange, how something so beautiful, can create something so monstrous…

It moved slowly and almost silently through the trees, only occasionally creating noise when making a low, guttural growl at the moon. Dressed in ripped black trousers and a torn white shirt, the figure crunched through leaves and snapped through twigs of the woodland, impatient to reach its destination that it now knew was not far away.

When it did, after more sneaking through the shadows of the woodland, it stepped out of the towering trees and into a small, circular clearing. In the moonlight, the previously shadowed figure could now be seen clearly and in frightening detail.

Covered in thick, black fur was the face, spouting long, razor-sharp claws were the hands, swimming in blood-thirsty drool were the fierce, fang-like teeth. The face, the hands and the teeth of a teenage boy – hunched like a beast, stalking like a predator, snarling like a wolf.

The beast’s size was that of an average teenage boy, but appeared enhanced by the thick black fur that covered the entire body and made it seem larger than it actually was. Beneath the fur was just that normal, average-sized high school student that had been taken over by the rage and fury of the curse, possessed by the hunger of the beast.

The monster walked around, seeming anxious as it scanned through and paced around the endless maze of trees. It eventually went down on all fours and crept towards the centre of the clearing, lifted its face high towards the shining moon and sniffed for a few moments. Its nose twitched through its fur at the night sky, its shining yellow and blue pupils locked onto the moon and it began to growl, low and quiet at first, it slowly grew louder and louder, until the beast was baring its teeth, drool dripping on the woodland ground. When the growl had become loud enough to echo through the entire woods, it turned rapidly into a howl, a blood-curdling screech at the moon that carried through the trees and into the pitch black night sky.

The beast’s terrific howl was brought to a sudden halt when he heard approaching footsteps from within the nearby trees. Beginning to scan them again, he retreated to the area he had emerged from while he watched and listened closely. It wasn’t long before two glowing yellow eyes were spotted by the beast in the trees opposite him. He stood on his legs again and moved slightly forward, growling and readying his fangs and claws for battle.

As the yellow-eyed creature moved forward and out of the trees, its long, dark snout exposed fangs almost as yellow as its eyes, its fur was blacker than the night sky which meant it was very difficult for its waiting opponent to see anything but its eyes and fangs clearly in the shadows of the dark night. The black, yellow-eyed wolf was of a tremendous size, long and muscular, it was larger and, even on all fours, almost as tall the teenage beast that stood opposite to it.

One of the creature’s eyes glowed less brightly than the other, and upon closer inspection it could be seen that there was a gaping red wound that ran down the black face and through the dull, yellow eye. This was not the only wound that the huge black wolf carried with it; in many places on its body were fading red scars and small holes that appeared to be bite marks. The injury to the face was by far the worst, though, it looked as though the left side of his face had suffered a savage attack from a garden rake.

The blood-thirsty beast and the angry animal circled one another, growling, baring their teeth, drooling in hunger and anticipation of the battle they were about to take part in. As the moon seemed to shine even brighter, the beast let out another deafening howl, which was met by a titanic growl and roar from its enemy.

When they had finished expressing their anger vocally, they were both ready for the physical battle; the teenage monster ran first, sprinting towards his opponent with his claws extended, eager to destroy the wolf that was now also charging forward, with its muscles flexing and teeth snapping, hungry for the blood of its opponent.

They met in the middle.

The black wolf kicked off the floor with its hind legs, stunning to a halt the oncoming assault from the beast. The yellow-eyed animal flew through the air, teeth and claws ready to tear into the flesh of the monster that was preparing to defend itself from this threatening and potentially fatal attack…

Published in'BITE' TrilogyBooksSouthumberland Series


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