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I’m now on Fiverr! (Get your story idea written by me!)

As I continue to write, I keep finding more and more ways I am able to serve people by putting my words out into the world. Recently, my fiancé Matt recommended Fiverr to me, and I am now set up on there!

I’ve had many creative struggles myself over the years – I have written for as long as I can remember, but never actually finish a project until I was 18 years old (‘BITE’!) – so if you have plenty of ideas floating around up there, but can’t quite find the words, then I’ll write your idea for you! (or, if you just fancy a random scare, I’ll deliver that too; I have plenty of ideas).

At the moment, I’m offering a short story of up to 1,500 words, but intend to expand after I have trialled this new discovery.

Go to Fiverr now and hire me: I will write your horror story idea!

If you’re still a bit unsure, then you can give my free short stories, available on this website, a go before you trust me with your idea.

Published inShort Stories

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